Stay a while to share my thoughts on writing and life.

This article posted by Daniela Norris on Monday 22nd August 2011

What happened to August?

How can it be the end of August already?

Perhaps it has something to do with the unusual amount of travel I’ve done this month – from Toronto to Vermont, back to Geneva and then to deepest, darkest Derbyshire in the UK, for my annual Writers’ Summer School at Swanwick. After what was a very inspiring week there, and a short course I’ve taught about Political Writing, I found myself in Freiburg (the German one!!) on Saturday night – it’s a long story.

Now I am happy to be back home, with no further plans to travel at least until… October, when another UK trip is on the cards.

So between now and then, no excuses not to get a lot of writing done, especially as I’ve got a lot of fresh motivation to work on a political crime novel I’ve started a while back. It sort of got pushed out of my mind until the right moment came along – and this is it!

So without further delay, back to writing. I wish you a wondeful end of the summer… there’s still a bit of it before the autumn leaves cover the paths of the Swiss/French countryside. Then It’ll be the first snowflakes and the burning logs in the fireplace… but with 36c outside, and the fan ticking by my side, it is a little soon to think of all that, isn’t it?


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