Stay a while to share my thoughts on writing and life.

This article posted by Daniela Norris on Friday 7th October 2011

Snow at 1400m

This is always a good way to start the day. When they announce the upcoming snow on the radio, I know it will be a great week, as there aren’t many things as inspiring as watching the white mountain-tops on a crisp morning. It is nice that the snow is not on the ground (yet!) and that there are a few more days, or maybe weeks, of grace before the snow tyres go on and the thick winter jackets come out of the closet.

Winter is associated in my mind with being at home, writing, never too far from the fire-place. And the last month of autumn has started well with a great event at Off the Shelf, the English Bookshop in Geneva, where 18 of our Geneva Writers Group members read from their work published in Offshoots 11, the biennial anthology which I’ve been working on for the past few months. It is very satisfying to see so many great pieces in print in one collection, and so many writers reading their work in one evening. It was a real privilage.

So for those of you who put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) – enjoy these coming weeks of bitter-sweet weather, and everything that comes with it. And the rest of you – hope you enjoy reading in the coming cold months ahead – there are so many great new books out there!


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