Stay a while to share my thoughts on writing and life.

This article posted by Daniela Norris on Tuesday 5th January 2010

January 2010

January is a great time to discuss New Year’s resolutions. Every person needs something to strive towards. Why not try to achieve some of our goals this year?

We all have things we’d like to achieve on a personal level (such as taking off those extra kilos that the end-of-the-year celebrations have forced upon us) and the net is not necessarily the best place to share those. But why not put them in writing?

I’ve been doing this for years, and I find that the power of written words is immense. Define it, write it down – and go for it. May 2010 be a year in which we’ll achieve at least half of the goals on our lists.

On the writing front – more good news from the Society of Women Writers and Journalists (SWWJ) in the UK – my story Gemmi Travellers won the first prize in their overseas competition. For more details about the SWWJ and their work, please see link below.

Last but not least – the Geneva Writers’ Conference is approaching. Between 5-7 February, a wonderful group of international writers will meet in Geneva to attend various workshops, hone their writing skills and discuss literature and writing techniques. More details on – rumors say there are only 20 places left, so if you’d like to join us, book soon!

Have a great writing year.

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